Trains, Traffic, and Thalis: Our Eventful First Day in Bangalore
Our Bangalore trip started on a slightly chaotic note. Thanks to a 2-hour train delay, we reached the city around 6 PM instead of the planned 4 PM. Frustration levels? High. Hunger levels? Even higher. To make matters worse, we had some interesting (read: annoying) co-passengers on the train. Picture this: a family munching nonstop like they hadn’t eaten in a month, accompanied by hyperactive kids who found endless ways to entertain (or irritate) us. When we finally reached Bangalore, we decided to skip cabs and autos (hello, exorbitant fares!) and took the metro instead to save both time and money. The metro ride from Yeshwantpur to Lalbagh set us back ₹33 per person, plus an extra ₹30 as a luggage penalty—unexpected, but okay. After a quick snack of a veg puff and roll outside the metro station to quiet our growling stomachs, we were on our way. The metro ride took about 30 minutes, and from Lalbagh station, we hopped into an auto to reach our hotel, which was 15 minutes away and co...